What We Teach and Believe at Trinity
God is three persons yet one God. The title we use to express this mystery is the Trinity. God has always existed.
God the Father created the cosmos and continues to provide for the needs of every aspect of it, including each of us. We believe that God knows us by name.
God the Son, Jesus Christ, is true God and true human. At the right time, he was born into our humanity, lived among us proclaiming God's love, died to pay the price for human sin, and came back to life on the day we call Easter. In doing this, he has saved us from sin and death and has given us forgiveness, acceptance and limitless love.
God the Holy Spirit gives us the power to follow Christ and live each day fully and joyfully.
The Bible is God's revealed truth and shapes all that we believe about God and our relationships with God and one another.
We are a sacramental people. That is, the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion are important to us and are a central part of our life. We celebrate "open communion"
- Jesus Christ is the host of the Lord's Supper and all who believe in him are welcome to receive communion.
When this earthly life is completed, there is a never-ending life prepared by Christ himself that is full of joy and free from sin and death.
The church is not a denomination nor is it a building. The church is the body of Christ, which includes all who believe that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior. No walls, no boundaries, all believers across the globe and throughout time are the church.
The people of Trinity are not members with names on a roster. They are each gifted to serve in unique and beautiful ways. As we join our God-given spiritual gifts together, we bring love and hope to our community and the world in the name and through the power of Jesus Christ.
The people of God at Trinity care for each other and value one another in a real way that is not based upon outward appearances, but inner worth and importance. It is the way of Jesus.