The Lenten project this year is to support our local responders (EMS). We have 4 EMS stations that are staffed 24 hours/day. There are 9-11 staff members on duty at all times.

  • They would appreciate "grab and go snacks". Such as individual bags of nuts, chips, treats as well as nut bars, protein bars etc.
  • They also would appreciate bottle water and other drinks like Gatorade to keep with them.  

Please see table setup by the Endowment tree in the fellowship hall. There are small cards available you can take with you for easy reference at the store. Donations can be placed on this table. 

Outreach & TLCW thank you in advance for any donations that you bring to support our first responders. 


Free Community Dinner! 

Join us and enjoy some great company and great food!

(Sunday AFTER Easter, not on Easter Day).